Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Minetest Build: Seamstress Building: Bunnyton's City Hall

Its huge red roof and slight forward tilt visible here.
No. 1 Nomans Lane, Bunnyton

This massive building, named for its odd resemblance to a pair of pants, is a massive 7-floor Metropolitan building, serving as in part City Hall for the quaint (and yet unfinished) city of bunnyton.

The looming inverted V hangs over the entrance.
Its massive, looming front, with its massively oversized roof and giant clock face with more square feet than some buildings, it can be seen for quite the distance, even in the nearby, packed amusement/theme park of Thirsty Bunny Safari World.

Its generous overhang is supported by 4 huge anchoring pylons, 2 on each side, and 2 in the rear.

Far less windows on the rear of the building.

Its quite impressive at night.

A second clock face on the rear of the building.